The Procrastination Challenge

Are you tired of having the same items on your To-Do-List for weeks or even months at a time?

Do you feel overwhelmed by that one task that seems to weigh you down more and more each day that goes by? (...mine is usually something to do with paperwork!)

Are you running out of reasons why you haven't finished that project that you started last year?


It's time to push past procrastination!

Feel accomplished when you clear your To-Do-List with ease!

Feel the guilt vanish as you tackle your tasks!

Have more time for things you enjoy, instead of stressing over tasks you’ve been putting off. 

Knock things off your To-Do-List without hesitation! 

Join the Procrastination Challenge Today!

The Procrastination Challenge consists of 5 modules which you can do over 5 days. They include:

  • Short videos to guide you to your cleared To-Do-List and more free time!
  • Questions to understand your procrastination to let go of your stress!


At the end you’ll:

  • Gain an understanding of why you procrastinate and feel relief when you get things done.
  • Create your plan to stop procrastinating and gain more time to enjoy life!
  • Use tools to help you complete your To-Do-List and let go of the guilt!

Knock things off your To-Do-List without hesitation! 

Join the Procrastination Challenge Today!


Here's what past students say about ‘The Procrastination Challenge’:

"Thanks HUGELY for offering this course Katie. I have found it really helpful, both in understanding why I procrastinate, and also in helping me to change my mindset and behaviours around this. It's going to take some practice to keep being aware of when I am faffing and not being focused on stuff that I need to do - but I feel more optimistic and aware now of how to approach that." -Flora 

"It was really great!! Many tools we can work with. The main thing I learned was: we procrastinate in order to feel better THAT moment, not realizing it will bring us much more stress LATER on. So really... what's the point?! Congrats to you, Katie, such a great work! Keep up doing what you do best, putting us on the right track." -Marisa 

"This was great to get out of the rut! Especially for things that have been on the list for weeks and months. It's so very frustrating to be rotating no end and not getting anywhere. This is a fantastic starting point. I hope I can keep it up!..." -Aideen


Knock things off your To-Do-List without hesitation! 

Join the Procrastination Challenge Today!

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I’m Katie Rössler, a licensed counselor and grief healer with 12 years experience. I help families live happier and more balanced lives. As a wife and mom to three young kids, I know how important it’s to find tools that you can start using immediately. I teach my clients these exact tools and use them myself at home too.

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